Printed matter (week 2)

During the Tuesday lesson I presented my poster. I was really worried about it as I weren’t sure whether or not I had done it correctly as I have not made a poster before this but it went really well so I had learnt a lot from this task. We also looked at a collection of books I was really drawn to Susan Cianciolo’s book. I love the way the layout was and how it was pictures from her notebook. I decided that I would write my case study on this book as it stood out to me more than any of the others.

During the Thursday session we were screen printing we had to create a bookmark or business card for this lesson. I decided to make the business card. I wanted to keep things simple. I had an idea for my book title so I decided to screen print that onto the business cards. Screen printing was a skill that I always wanted to do as I had never done it within the uni and didn’t know how to use any of the equipment. I have previously done screen printing in my old college but never actually made the screen before so it was great to learn this for the future. This is such a great task to learn as I could use this a lot in my practice.

Printed matter week one (field level 5)

This week was the start of my second field term which I was excited for as I managed to swap from drawing experience to printed matter. The reason for swapping as I had higher interest in printed matter when I read about them and also my travelling times clashed with the drawing experience timetable.

During the first week we had our briefing we were also set some tasks. In the morning during the first session we had our briefing I was really happy to find out that we would be taking part in activities such as screen printing and book binding. In the afternoon we had a workshop with Tom to create a paper back books. I have done this workshop in the past and enjoyed it then I think this is a skill that I could keep progressing and using for further purposes such as portfolio work.

During the Thursday lesson we learnt how to make hard back books I was overly amazed that I was able to achieve this as it’s something I always thought about doing but didn’t have any idea of how.

We were also set the task to create a poster. I struggled with this task as the word poster really threw me off as we never make poster within my subject area. It took me the whole weekend to figure out what I was going to do for the poster, I took me longer to come up with an idea than actually making it. I decided to use Facebook/ social media as an inspiration as there was yet another challenge. The ten year challenge is people uploading pictures of them when they were younger and pictures of them now to compare how much has changed. I decided to use this idea for my poster but putting a stronger political message across. I wanted to compare how clothes waste had changed over the years. I decided to take photos of a place close to my home town where a pile of unwanted clothes had been dumped. This is a real problem the only problem people should care about.